Family history is what has absorbed my attention and time this week. I have come across two cousins x ???, who are descendants of the siblings of David Ritchie ( the LO I blogged 1/11 ... G the P)
It is so exciting but there is so much to take in and really I need to be shut away for a week with intravenous coffee, an endless supply of cake ... and the computer. I find that I need to really get into who's who, imagine the people, their parents and their children .... then everything makes sense and my train of thought and deduction works well, spotting any errors in logic as I go along.
However ...... just at that point I need to go to the loo as there is only so long I can hold it lol ... answer the phone ... go to make food and drink ... fill the washing machine ...wash up ... stretch the aged legs that have now gone numb and the back that has seized ....and worry that I am doing this and not something else, that would be deemed more important by everyone else.
The boys are doing well and now manage to walk with their walker trolleys ... Jake is about to take off on his own any day now but Ben climbs into Jakes trolley and is quite happy to be pushed lol. It is so difficult to monitor their development as they were not only premature but are twins. Their parents have rightly decided that .. as long as they are developing well ...they are happy. They are a little annoyed that they have been told that the boys are under weight ....believe me they are not skinny. Emms is feeding them healthy food and the odd treat so that they keep slim ... ish, as we tend to be an overweight family. I think it makes sense ... especially as the NHS complain about obese toddlers nowadays!!!! The chart weight for a one year old is now about 27lbs !!!!! When Steve was that at one, they said he was over weight ????
Had my moan ....thanks foe listening .... lol
Take Care xx
Lovely to pop by and see your hive of creativity! and yes I think it is a hive not a heap!!! lovely see quackers still in residence :) My grt-nephew Jack is also almost at the walking stage. heaven help them all when he is mobile :)
I'd go with if they are eating and are happy they are fine too.
Go buy some card blanks so we can see your cards!!
Love the crochet pot you're storing your gems in xx
it's that big yellow duck again!!! ;-) This really is my kind of desk - lots of things going on!! Be proud of it!!
Your slightly cluttered work space does not upset me in the least. Some of us just work that way!
It also sounds as though we go at family history in a similar way. I become deeply immersed in whatever family line I am following, imagining the individuals, "seeing" several generations lined up in my mind. Its difficult to come down to earth and the list of things that need to be done. I'm sure my husband, children and co-workers think that I am rather odd in my interests.
Ooh your desk looks lovely to me...I like the way everyhting is sort of 'hovering' over the back edge of the cutting mat!
Angie - can you let me have your postal address please?
I adore the look of your says....a CREATIVE PERSON lives here!!!!!
So glad that the boys are starting to move along....don't worry about the Evan was a little tubby and now he is sooooo thin...but with a Momma and Daddy who are thin...what else can he be!!! If they are eating healthy...that is all that matters!!!
Wishing you a wonderful day, dear friend!!! :-)
I wouldn't worry about the twins, I reckon you and her Mum know best. I remember when my Health Visitor came round and advised it was perhaps time to start Devon solids - she had already been on them for at least a month, she was horrified when I told her. But I've never had trouble getting the girls to eat anything, they aren't picky or fussy, they aren'tunder or overweight (shame the same can't be said for me) My Mum got her started on solids and she'd had 6 of us so I trusted her completely - the Health Visitor, surprise, surprise had no kids.
Loving the look of your desk - what's in those little tubs in the big container?
Sorry, but so long as the twins are happy and healthy, why worry about their weight? Everybody seems to want to interfere these days when there really is no need.
Your desk is looking 'busy' today and I've been enjoying all your wonderful stories on 'Glimpsing The Past' where most of your LO's appear. So much so, that I have an award for you over on my blog
You call this a mess? Then I wouldn't dare to show you mine! Hence why I
never shoot my crafts in my room! I barely have the space on my desk for one card at the time... lol
DH get mad as he likes it tidy! Honestly, I should take a photo to show you, and I promess you wouldn't feel half as bad about your "mess"!
just wait until they're running
it was about 37 here is cloudy and overcast and MUCH cooler but they are predicting 40+ for later in the week...
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