Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WOYWW wk 139 ...and I have actually created another LO

Sorry ... my desk is as it was last week … except the area that I was crafting on... which now has a pile of boxes filling the precious creative space.

I had been searching for something so I thought I’d let you see the mess that is my desk, in all its glory…no holds barred …hope you ‘ever so tidy’ Woywwers have survived the shock. lol

During the week I pulled out my small canvases (is that right for the plural I wonder). I started them back when, and I hoped that I could finish them now …I thought I knew what I wanted to do…but then DD remarked in passing …’Hope you don’t spoil those by adding too much ..I love what you have done so far’. The seed of doubt was sown …nothing I was about to do seemed right anymore…has that ever happened to you?

To jump-start the grey cells I then sat down to watch an art class, linked to me by Pam at ‘Waltzing Through Life’… it was brilliant …such fun and I learnt so much but it made me even more dissatisfied with what I had created… I so loved the vibrant colours used in the class…. so I put the canvases away … again …and turned my thoughts to a LO.

I had sorted photos months ago, for several LO's…just before Mojo went on holiday.I started the hunt for papers that might work for me but my mind kept wondering whether I had suitable paper for the art class on paint doodling, that I had watched earlier …and then I started to look for sand paper in order to start on the little chest I want to alter. I think I’m going for collage on the drawer fronts but then I could change my mind …or just sit thinking about it for the next few weeks. lol

No I didn’t seem to have the right paper for the art project…I certainly appear to have no sandpaper anywhere in the house or garage …which is strange …but I did find 12x12 papers that pleased me, so I did finally create a LO…and here it is …

Ben and Jake … March of last year …taking a quiet few moments away from each other.

I hope to visit quite a few of you during the next few days …and I send loads of thanks to all who dropped by last week.

I am hoping the font sizes and colours are resolved this week,when I press publish …if not …SORRY.

Take Care xx


Hazel said...

That LO is delightful. As for your workspace, it's sometimes necessary to have boxes out to try and find what you need or to get inspiration - I often work like that, but have to admit that I tend to then tidy it all up again and then make a mess again! - (Hazel, WOYWW #10) x

Deb said...

such a fabulous layout, love those papers and the photos are adorable!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx #8

Spyder said...

well, my desk at home is the same as it was Christmas!...only I HAVE taken away the cold cups of tea and coffee! have great Week, thanks for popping in while I've been away....still away...I'm home sick!! Happy woyww#(Lyn)

Minxy said...

loving the layout.. as for the desk.. well mine often looks like that when i'm looking for something!!

Happy Wednesday x
Minxy x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I feel those same insecurities you mentioned. Sometimes we have to go with our guts. I love the layout, though, so you did a great job. NO doubts there! Happy WOYWW and drop by if you are interested in taking my free altered book classes. I'm # 30 this week.

scrappymo! said...

My work desk looked just like that till I tidies up to do the flowers!

Neil said...

Hi there. Great to have a peek into your crafty world this morning thanks to the wonders of WOYWW! Hope the rest of your week goes well too. Sometimes we need to just dive into our creativity and not over analyse! Your layout is lovely.
Neil #48

Sue said...

Hi ya
aww fabulous LO, mine desk looked the same until monday when it got blitzed,,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (54)

Helen said...

Great layout!! Nice to see your desk in all it's glory today - pile it high and push it back! Have a great week. Helen 42

SueH said...

I'll be back to read your blog and leave a message later but pop across to mine because I've left something there for you.


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Sweet LO!! Just proves that small boys CAN sometimes stop running around and be quiet - and I speak as a mum of small rather larger boys now!!
Everyone will have their own opinion about the work you do, but I find that if you try and please them all, it'll never work. In a selfish way, please YOURSELF first..
I know you like music too - have you heard Imelda May?? I'm besotted with her voice and band and play it very loudly in my car!! Get up and boogie music..I'm going to have to put it on now, lol!!
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

Kath Stewart said...

loving today's crafty snoop...happy searching...hugs kath 63

Annie said...

Gorgeous LO.
I'm just doing a quick dash round to see what everyone is up to this week before my daughter comes out with the twins. We are doing a fitting for her Wedding dress and making a start with the Wedding invites....I can see a busy day ahead of me :-)
A x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Great page, thanks for letting us snoop! Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

okienurse said...

I love the layout and your workspace looks very busy. My DD does the same thing to me from time to time and makes a remark that makes be feel uber insecure...I have a degree in nursing but she has the art degrees so I feel incompetent! Hope you get to finishing your canvases...your way! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #87

sandra de said...

Ohhh, I do relate to the dreaded comment from a DH and the desk that just gets away from you so quickly. Lovely LO.

May said...

Love the layout, the papers are lovely, pics are perfect,Love it have a great week hugs May x x

Ann B said...

Lovely layout and sweet boys. Your desk isn't that untidy, mine can be far worse than that especially when I 'lose' something (again).
Ann B

Simple homemade living said...

I love your LO are they echo park papers?

The desk looks very busy do you craft in a 6x6 space to lol?

As for the doubt I think we all get it a some point. I constantly worry when I am making something for someone else. If it's for me then I don't care if it makes me happy then that's all that matters.

I hope you have a good day x

Laura #86

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Love the crafty space, fab, Happy WOYWW Hun, hoping this posts as I have had issues all week!!

Lou P

Lou said...

The layout looks great, very cute little boys! Hope you have a good week Lou x

Cardarian said...

I must say our minds seem to be alike - I many times pull out things and make a mess on my desk only to realise there is nothing there that makes me want to make something so back it all goes! Eh well I guess you can't always be a super crafter! Your LO is lovely - the two boys so, so cute!
Lots of hugs,

Karen said...

A gorgeous LO, such pretty PP's that are perfect for thos lovely photos :)

Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #108

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Angie.... your mind has so much going on that you are finding it hard to focus as you face each project. You can see that once you did focus you produced that fabulous LO.
Take the next project and stick with it until you are satisfied and don't be swayed. You can do it and WELL!
Will email you the scarf/shawlette pattern... it's my own!
Lv JoZarty

Alison said...

Lol! Daughters eh?! Just made an arty card for my nephew's 21st, & my DD remarked it was a bit bright & quirky for him! I said he would appreciate it was from his bright quirky aunt!
Love your LO Angie, & those sweet photos! xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Angie, the layout is fab - great photos and I like the buttons and netting (is that what it is?) - nice little touches. Yes, you're quite clearly easily distracted like me, but you got the LO done so something to celebrate. Hope you have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #78

Arkansas Patti said...

What a loaded remark. That would really make me rethink. Glad you were able to forge ahead.
Just loved the LO especially seeing young boys so relaxed and studious.

Anonymous said...

Hi what a super crafty desk today, your layout is great, I wouldn't worry about the desk it's just a gathering of inspiration. Have a lovely Wednesday. Laura

Unknown said...

Lovely layout and a fabulous messy desk!

I'm attempting to get around everyone's posts this week (a new one for me!) I don't usually have time to get round everyone.
But I haven't done my own post yet - it'll have to wait til I get home from work this evening.


Sue said...

Oh dear Angie, I know that mess all too well! and then I have to have a good clear up and start crafting again. Love those layouts they are great. Happy Crafting, Sue xx

fairyrocks said...

LOL thanks for the laugh this morning. I love that you shared it just how it is....in fact I revel in it and do not shy away at all. I too spend time looking for just that right paper or embellishment I know I have...or was I washing a load of clothes?..
Keep smiling and creating I am #132

Anne-marie said...

love the LO, glad im not the only one who piles things up I keep having a change around so desk always ends up with lots on it.
Anne-marie x no 136

Unknown said...

I am not playing at WOYWW this week .... but I thought a visit was long over due! LOVE to see your desk ... it reminds me of home :0)
Lovely LO ... will try and be a better bloggy friend and see more of you this year X

Enfys said...

Happy WOYWW, here's hoping the commenting is easier this week! We all need boxes!

Julia Dunnit said...

Font sizes look great! So do all the boxes...I know Lavinia is pretty horrified by my desk, but I just reel in the reaction...am loving the p hoot of your space, would move you guys to livecloseenoughforme to come round and rummage. I ask people who make art like canvases and drawings 'how do you know when it's finished' and it would seem less of a silly question now..you think Kyle haven't and DD thinks you have finished the canvases, interesting, huh. Loving the LO of the twins, my, how they sprout, bless them!

Mary said...

Hi...your LO is way too cute. Your work space looks like mine normally does. My husband threatened me with my own reality hoarders show, so I had to clean it. Now I'm going to report his garage. :-0

Twiglet said...

Two fab photos on your LO Angie. I spent the morning with the gorgeous twins - so cute. x Jo

Kim Dellow said...

Gorgeous LO! And thanks for the peek! Kim

That Craft Place Ltd said...

great looking desk and loads of goodies! Loving those papers!!
Lisa xx

Samantha said...

Happy WOYWW, I hate those seeds of doubt, good luck with your canvases. your layout is stunning fun and playful, full of color, tfs

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I loved your journey through your creative thought-process. When I'm not sure what to do next or unsatisfied with what I am doing, I go along like that. Your layout came out great so I don't think you need to doubt yourself too much.

Neet said...

Hi Angie - a busy mind gets like that, don't worry, things will come out in the end.
I just love your LO but to be honest the pictures of the children rather steal the show. Aren't they adorable! They must bring you so much pleasure.
Thanks for sharing and take care and do NOT worry. Hugs, Neet #151 xx

Stephanie said...

Very cute layout--and my desk often ends up like that. I'll set stuff on there temporarily that seems to stay for a lot longer!

Beckyt said...

what a great layout looks lovely.

Thanks for sharing
Becky 160

Elizabeth said...

Hi Angie, just picked up your comment referring to the heart flowers. Silicone glue is perfect for the job, it's the just the right consistency that helps in the making of the flowers ... a thin glue would not do at all, it has to be thick. I'll put the mesh on my wishlist ... can't buy it until my stash is well used up :)) Elizabeth x

AerynK said...

very cute layout!
Aeryn (181)

Neet said...

Thanks for the comment - I am so with you re my son's partner. Hope you know what I mean.

voodoo vixen said...

Your LO is lovely and your desk is eeeeek!! LOL Re the canvases... you have to follow your instinct which would be great if I could learn to do so too... sometimes I keep adding stuff and adding stuff... its hard to know when to stop!!

Peter said...

The seeds of doubt can so easily be sown sowed?? sewed?!!!... you see what I mean... meen, mene!.
People saying "I hope you're not going to add anything more to that", when you were about to... has resulted in me having a number of "great unfinished works". I wonder if that is why there are great unfinished symphonies in classical music... Probably not a case of the old fellow died just short of the final movement, but someone said..."I do like the simplicity of the music, I hope you aren't going to make it too complicated or long....!" I guess that the trouble is that we end up trying to please someone else in stead of sticking with what we wanted to do in the first place... Oh well! Nice to see some creative desk chaos. Lovely. P xx

Brenda B said...

Every creative genius makes a little mess! Love the LO and the little touches of the netting and buttons. Keep on doing what you're doing, it's working.

Brenda 115

PS. A friends once said to me that as long as I'm happy with what I've made then that's what counts, as it's my happiness and well being that's important.

SueH said...

Oh Angie, it sounds to me like you have too many ideas in your mind for projects, not too few, Lol!

That a beautiful LO you’ve created. I’m hoping that now the wedding invites are out of the way I might be able to get back to some scrapping again. I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I’m missing it.

Happy Crafting!


Kit said...

That looks like a productive work space and I see you have some of the Tim Holtz scissors. I love mine and use them for everything

Hels Sheridan said...

cute LO... bless! I have that problem with canvases... have several started and discarded... hope you get your confidence back... just go with the flow and ignore your doubts... you can do it!!! Hope you having a goodly weekend xx

Hardwick Creations said...

Looks like a very productive workspace. Ben and Jake look like 2 very serious, but cute, characters.

Emilie said...

This is a gorgeous LO! Those two boys are soooo cute!!!
You'll see, you'll get your project finished! You did the best thing: put it away until mr mojo come back! And I am sure we'll all love it!

Bridget Larsen said...

Your layout is gorgeous
Bridget #72

Bridget Larsen said...

I know how the days go by and last week I've been pretty busy crafting which is good

Bridget Larsen said...

Yes hasnt WOYWW membership grown. I managed to get through 62 blogs in the first night so wooohoo, maybe able to visit all 1000 of them hahahha
Bridget #51