I can not believe that it is already two weeks into the new year and I wish you all a belated ....
HAPPY 2013
... mine was a quiet one but then a few days later Emma and Steve and the three boys came for a visit which was wonderful. (My next post will have more photos ...trust me.)
... but this is a shot of little Olly I really could not wait to post ...it seemed apt to use this (note his t-shirt) as we had a little disaster.

While clearing our large coffee table ... in order that the five grandsons could sit and eat their lunch together ... someone put the laptop on the floor with a mouse propping it open, as some charging or something, was going on.
Some how one of the five stood down on to it and smashed the screen. No-one could be blamed ...accidents happen but for Jay and I it was like loosing a limb ...we felt lost ... so I decided to gather the pennies together and get a new one ...after all it was old-ish in IT terms....and now a friend is looking into replacing the others screen ...cheaply, if we can wait ....of course we can ....it will mean no more fighting over computer time....I just need to get used to using this one.
At the moment we are eating our way through left over bits and pieces ...I always buy too much ...and I really thought I had cut back this time. Cheese is where I always get carried away ...I love the normal ones like Brie in all its variations and Camembert ...and Cheddar...plain and with things added ...and Stilton ... and then the different ones too ....how about date and orange? ... and the European ones....well I managed to stop at 25 this year.
I love using the left overs ....the little bits grate up together and make an amazing topping for Macaroni Cheese...tiny cubes of mixed cheeses, tossed into a green salad and cherry tomatoes, then dressed with balsamic makes a yummy lunch with a toasted bagel and I shall post the recipe for my stilton and cauliflower soup later ....it only needs 3oz and is lighter than most.
I am having a crafting crisis at the moment ...do I really want to? ...and if so ... what? ....I so hope I resolve this and get my head in the right place ...I feel guilty for not doing anything as I have enough bits to play with, for at least the next ten years.
I will be back in a couple of days
Take Care xx