Monday, December 26, 2011

Hope you all had a Happy Christmas

So much work and hype .... I cant believe its all over …well its not for us as we have Steve, Emma, Ben, Jake and Olly coming over tomorrow …health and weather permitting. …Steve has the flu cold bug now…I cant wait to give the boys all big hugs …that’s what I miss.

We had a quiet Xmas …loads of wonderful food …and the fun of watching and sharing the joy of Christmas with Robbie and Kristofer. They were so good …chose certain presents to play with and waited for Jay to unpack, put together and insert batteries into the others. They only ate a few of their chocolates from the stocking and didn’t eat any from their big boxes that Santa brought them (well Fred next door) until this morning. I was so thankful that Vicki did so much and I was feeling a lot better but we were worried on Saturday because Robbie was being sick…. Kids bounce back so quickly though.

Xmas Morning

Rusty's Xmas pressy went down well

Steve finally proposed to Emma on Xmas night and was accepted. The ring is made up of lots of small black and white diamonds …beautifully different …and is a perfect choice for Emma. I think they will wait for a couple of years before they marry, as they need to do a lot of saving…. I am so happy for them both.

Take Care xx


Morning's Minion said...

Angie; Its a blessing that we have younger hands willing to take on some of the holiday preparation--or so I decided to believe!
I hope you all get bravely past the Christmas germs.

Arkansas Patti said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas in spite of all the yucky colds and such.
What a cool time to propose marriage. They will always rememeber that.
Now take care of those health issues.